Swatch A Day January 7 Crocus Buds
Lovely stitch pattern this. Really like the fabric it creates.
Lifting a stitch over two others purlwise all along the row is more difficult than I thought, especially on public transport. I dropped stitches here, there and everywhere in doing this.
This is also a pattern that could really stand heavy blocking. As it was, I had to push it in a little to get it to the same dimensions as day 1.
Swatch A Day January 6 Simple Lace Rib
Six days in, and I've managed to start and finish each swatch on the day, which is longer than I thought I'd last.
It's fun though, and I'm learning lots about how stitch patterns affect gauge.
I'm also learning that the occasional twisted knit stitch is okay, but twisted purls are the devil's work.
Swatch A Day January 2 Whelk Pattern
Some details, for those of you who like that kind of thing.
Yarn: Knit Picks Merino Style Colourways: Asparagus, Storm, Moss, Cinnamon, Pine, Hollyberry Needle: Addi Lace 4mm 60cm No of Cast on Stitches: 25 (fudged with knit stitches at either side if the stitch pattern repeat comes up short) Rows: however many to get the same height as the swatch from day 1 when blocked.
The (self imposed, and therefore liable to change) Rules
Swatch has to be started and finished on the day in question. Ideally, washed and blocked the same day too.
The Plan
Knit as many swatches as I can from the six balls of yarn, hope they come out in a relatively even number, then stitch them together in an afghan, the arrangement of which is yet to be decided.
Swatch A Day January 1 Basket Rib
One of the things I bought when visiting Hill Country Weavers last March was a 365 Knitting Stitches a Year Perpetual Calendar.
I've used it a few times in 2007, mostly as a stitch dictionary, and hadn't really thought about it beyond that, until two days ago, when I was struck with a brilliantstupid idea.
The idea being that I'd knit a swatch, every day, from my perpetual calendar (taking a day off on the 29th of February, because it wasn't made for a leap year), and I'd see how many afghans I could make.
I thought about it a bit more, because I wasn't sure I could commit the time, but then I thought about it even more, and figured what the hell - I'll make the time.
So yesterday, I picked a ball of yarn and a suitable circular needle, sat down and got started. I cast on 25 stitches, knit 40 rows, then cast off. It took me less time than The Simpsons Movie.
Then, in the break between finishing the Simpsons Movie and starting to watch Evil Aliens, I nipped into the bathroom, gave it a wash and blocked it a little, so it could be nice and perky for it's close up, which was taken today (2nd January) at the Royal Festival Hall, where the I Knit group had chosen to have its first outing of the year.
Christmas Knitting Revealed
Well, one bit of it at least.
December was a bit of a mad month for me, as evidenced by my disappearance from this blog. Sorry about that, didn't mean to.
Anyway, despite having one of the maddest months of a pretty mad year, I managed to turn out five items of Christmas knitting, in time for them to be wrapped and under the tree on Christmas day.
Item one was a hat for my boyfriend's brother. Tragically, I didn't get a photo of it, so you'll have to take my word for it that it looked impressive. I did a variation on Emily Spence's Sheep and Wool Hat, in black and light grey, modified slightly because I'm an idiot and can't count, and so made it five rounds of six stitch high blocks rather than six of five. I also made the crown stripy rather than plain. Even better, I think he liked it. He grinned and put it on immediately it got out of the wrapping.
Item two is the hat illustrated above, for my boyfriend's dad. it's a variation on the Circular Bicolour Prime Rib (Brioche) Hat and was inspired by Grumperina's Blustery Day Brioche Hat. I increased the stitch count because they grow heads big in that family, and consequently slightly messed up the symmetry of the decreases, but he didn't notice, and liked the hat enough to be seen wearing it in public, even if it was only the once, to be polite.
Item three was a one row handspun scarf, made in Noro Iro for my boyfriend's mum. There was a bit of comedy around the fact that the yarn is pretty harsh and ropey when you're knitting with it, and I had to wash and tumble dry it to get it to soften up. The comedy came from the fact that I had to do this in her house, with her tumble dryer, without her seeing it. I managed it, but it was a bit of a struggle at times.
Item four was a Marsan Watchcap for my boyfriend's grandad in a lovely sagey green yarn.
Last but not least, item five was a pair of bed socks for my boyfriend's grandma. I used the International Sock of Doom pattern for these, as it's a super-quick knit and used lovely purple Rowan pure wool dk to keep her feet warm in bed (and save her from having to warm her feet on her husband's back).
Everything was well received, and I got a lovely warm glow from having done it.
Unfortunately, item six - a hat for my boyfriend - was stopped in its tracks when he began having an asthma attack when I started to wind the skein of beautiful alpaca yarn I'd chosen for him into a ball. Doh. Will have to find something else instead.
Item seven - a pair of transformer mitts for my mum hasn't been started yet. Nor have the mittens for my niece, wristwarmers and hat for my sister, or hat for my brother-in-law, but I've got at least two weeks before those are all due, so there's still time.