TIFI: 12-15 March 2009
Things I found interesting between the 12th and 15th of March 2009.
- Forever's Not So Long from garrettmurray on Vimeo
- Brand New. Great blog about branding.
- L2 Design Collective. Some gorgeous printed stuff.
- How to have fun when all your friends are at SXSW 2009. I love the little details on this. I wish I'd said Hi to Dan Rubin when I saw him sitting in the airport lounge heading home from SXSW 2007.
- The Medium Blog.
- The Playing Card. Gorgeous. Never thought I'd find a set of playing cards so interesting.
- The Daily Beast. I've been a fairly frequent visitor over the last few months, but every time I go, I'm reminded how much I really like the design. The content is pretty good too.
- The Dieline. My favourite packaging pr0n blog gets a sexy design refresh.
- One Black Bear. Love the flourishes.
- Pull & Press Design and Development. Lovely, simple design.
- Conditional CSS. A great reference.
- Typography blogs. Smashing Magazine does it again.
- Enrich black without affecting overall contrast. Another great tutorial from Digital Photography School.
- Jon Stewart vs Jim Cramer: Uncut. Jon Stewart is just on fire. Cramer didn't stand a chance.