Raymond Loewy on Good Design
Good design keeps the user happy, the manufacturer in the black and the aesthete unoffended.- Raymond Loewy via Design Quotes Display
Read MoreThe online home and (not so) alter(ed)-ego of Ann Carrier.
Mother. Artist. Designer. Photographer. Calligrapher. Knitter. Gamer. Gardener. Petrolhead. Collector of pebbles and shells.
Never met a museum gift shop she didn’t like.
Good design keeps the user happy, the manufacturer in the black and the aesthete unoffended.- Raymond Loewy via Design Quotes Display
Read MoreLe Corbusier thought sofas and armchairs were a terrible thing — the softer and cuddlier, the worse. “What [modern man] wants is a monk’s cell, well lit and heated, with a corner from which he can look at the stars,” he wrote. He designed what he called “machines for living,” buildings that served all of [...]
Read MoreIt seems I’m feeling very visual at the moment. So you need a typeface? Fabulous. Worth viewing full-size. Via Inspiration Lab Abstract Comic and Appreciation I’ve been in love with sketchnotes for ages, but I think the concept of creating abstract art based on talks is really interesting (though potentially less obviously useful). The bare [...]
Read MoreWhen you’re forced to be simple, you’re forced to face the real problem. When you can’t deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance.
Paul Graham, Taste for Makers
Read MoreGizmodo: This Is Apple’s Next iPhone When I first saw the pictures of this on engadget I wasn’t sure whether or not it was a hoax. I’m now pretty sure it’s real, but not entirely sure it was an accidental loss. I’m also slightly regretting upgrading my iPhone 3G to a 3GS in February. Ah [...]
Read More…just because, you, as a designer, seek novelty for it’s interest; remember users want to USE, not do, the UI@GoodSenator (Robert Fein)
Read MoreVia a tweet from @chrismessina, comes this fantastic teaser video for Mike Matas’ new photoblog design. It’s an interesting thing for two reasons. Firstly, it’s the first photoblog design of this kind that I’ve seen (and there are some really lovely UX touches demonstrated in the video) and secondly, the site hasn’t gone live yet [...]
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